Ralbahr Tahyr el Pesarkhal
Ralbahr Tahyr el Pesarkhal (Eraré Sabban, Taorahl Drudach, Hook Ward, Calimport) is a private villa in Calimport. The Sultan's Palace, as this compact and spartan villa has become, gleams brightly in the sun. Its solid, squat construction only attracts the eye due to the ornate mosaics covering the granite-block walls. Of the three villas Tahyr controls in this sabban alone (of nine in all throughout Hook Ward), this is the simplest, which is why he chooses here to live. A former vizar's villa directly attached to the villa of Sabbalad Khomaya, this palace suits the sultan well when he is in town, rather than off at sea. This spartan attitude is understood by few in the sultan's family, least of all his sister.